Sunday, October 22, 2017

How Long Does an Electric Scooter Take Time to Charge?

Generally, the duration of charging of an electric scooter depends mostly on how much charge has been drained when it was used. But for instance, with a Razor electric scooter, your battery should already be fully charged after charging for a full 12 hours. You’ll see that the charger light will turn a solid green once the battery’s full. However, if your charger already shows you a solid green light after only a short amount of time, it is possible that your battery is not yet completely charged. Continue charging your electric scooter for 8 more hours. It’s fine to charge the battery even if its power is not yet drained completely.

Here are more tips on charging an electric scooter:

1.    Get the right voltage batteries.

It is crucial that you regularly test your batteries to order to make sure that they are working properly. Get the right battery capacity for your scooter to have the peace of mind that your scooter’s batteries will not misbehave especially if you have to go somewhere.

2.    Charge your electric scooter after every time you use it.

This will increase the miles that your scooter can go every time you take it out as well as reduce the risk of your scooter running out of battery in inconvenient place. It doesn’t matter how long you used the scooter for, but as a rule, if your scooter went for a long ride, you have to cool down the battery for 30 minutes first before charging it.

3.    Recharge your scooter even if it is in storage.

Even if you are not using your scooter, it is still important that you charge it every 30 days. If not, the batteries will oxidize inside, which will cause their lifespan to shorten and their mileage range to lower.

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